The average house price on MILLBRIDGE ROAD is £291,159
The most expensive house in the street is 3 MILLBRIDGE ROAD with an estimated value of £346,092
The cheapest house in the street is 14 MILLBRIDGE ROAD with an estimated value of £265,747
The house which was most recently sold was 14 MILLBRIDGE ROAD, this sold on 3 Aug 2020 for £220,000
The postcode for MILLBRIDGE ROAD is GL3 3EG
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 MILLBRIDGE ROAD Semi-Detached £346,092 £115,000 24 Apr 2002
5 MILLBRIDGE ROAD Detached £271,705 £50,000 23 Dec 1996
7 MILLBRIDGE ROAD Detached £267,789 £155,000 5 Nov 2010
8 MILLBRIDGE ROAD Semi-Detached £304,464 £245,000 18 Dec 2018
14 MILLBRIDGE ROAD Semi-Detached £265,747 £220,000 3 Aug 2020